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5E Instructional Model

 The 5E Model of Instruction is a consecutive step of teaching that helps students to build their own understanding from experiences and new ideas.

The teacher's role is facilitator, he guides the student through questions, investigations, experiences, and research, to a deep understanding of fundamental scientific concepts.


1- ENGAGE: To elicit students' prior knowledge, stimulate interest, and gather diagnostic data to inform teaching and learning. through the use of short activities that make connections between past and present learning experiences 

 2-EXPLORE:  To get students involved in the topic, providing them with a chance to build their own understanding. Students carry out hands-on investigations, they grapple with the problem or phenomenon and describe it in their own words.


To provide students with an opportunity to communicate what they have learned so far and figure out what it means. Students continue to develop knowledge of concepts and demonstrate their developing understanding of alternative conceptions.



To allow students to use their new knowledge and continue to explore its implications. Investigations in the Elaborate phase build student capability for science inquiry skills in a meaningful context.


The purpose for the EVALUATION stage is for both students and teachers to determine how much learning and understanding has taken place.

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El-qadissia Official Lang. School

Engage (15 minutes). Electricity and magnetism are related effects

Remind students of what they have learned about the magnetic effect of the electrical current and ask them when did you see the compass needle move?
 [Expected Student Response (ESR): The compass needle moves when you are in a magnetic field.]

2. Display the prepared electromagnet. Tell students to closely monitor what happens when a compass is placed near the electromagnet. The compass needle is moving in the direction of the electromagnet. Disconnect the electrical current and move the compass near the wire. Have the students observe again.
 (ESR): The compass needle does not move
3. Ask students to explain why the compass needle is moving.

(ESR): The compass needle detects the magnetic field.

Explore (20 minutes)

Electric current makes an electric field.
1- Ask students to observe as you disassemble then reassemble the electromagnet.
2-. Disconnect the wires, and unravel the coils.
3- Rebuild the simple electromagnet leaving approximately 3 inches of wire loose on each end of the bolt, demonstrate the reconnecting of the wires to the battery terminals, and use the magnetic field to attract small paperclips.
4- Let students partners tell each other how to build an electromagnet.
5- Distribute the wires, battery, nail,  paperclips, and the battery holder. Allow students time to build and test a simple electromagnet.
6- Have students use their electromagnet to pick up the paper clips and place a compass near the nail. Ask students, “What do you notice?”
 (ESR): The compass moved. 
Ask, “ What does that mean?” 
(ESR): There is a magnetic field around the nail.

7- Explain to students that they have made a temporary magnet. Most magnets cannot be turned off but this one can so it is considered a temporary magnet.

Explore (10 minutes)

The strength of an electromagnet is determined by the number of coils of wire.
1- Ask students to think about the strength of their electromagnet. How many paper clips did your electromagnet pick up?
2- Explain to students that in order to change the strength of an electromagnet, they must change the number of coils of wire around the bolt or nail.

3-. Have students investigate how the number of coils around the bolt or nail affects the strength of their electromagnet.

Have students record their observations on a “T-Chart” 

Have students label the TChart columns with ”Number of Coils” and “Number of Paper Clips.”
4-. Ask pairs of students to make a single hypothesis about the relationship between the number of coils and the number of paperclips attracted to the electromagnet on their recording sheet. If the number of coils in an electromagnet increase, then the number of paperclips attracted _____________________

(will decrease, increase, remain the same).

Have each student write his/her hypothesis in his/her
science notebook.
5- Instruct students to make 5 different electromagnets by coiling the wire 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 times around the bolt or nail.

Have students record the number of paperclips each different number of coils will attract.
6- Notice that each electromagnet uses multiples of ten coils. They must stop between each to test how many paperclips attach to the electromagnet and record it on the sheet

Explain (15 minutes)

The strength of an electromagnet is determined by the number of coils of wire.
1- Ask students to review their data. Have students explain in their science notebooks what happens to the strength of the electromagnet as the number of coils increases.

(ESR): The strength of the electromagnet increases as the number of coils increases.
2- Have student revisit their hypothesis. Have the student write the following statement:
My hypothesis was (correct or incorrect) because as the number of coils increased
so did the strength of the electromagnet.
20. Have students answer the following question:

Does the number of times you coil
the wire around the nail affect the strength of the electromagnet? (ESR): Yes!

Extend:10 minutes   

The strength of an electromagnet is determined by the number of coils of wire.
1. Extend. Have students graph their date. See R1 for a sample graph.

 Evaluate: 5 minutes

Ask students to fold one sheet of their science notebook in half. Have students write label one side with “Properties of an Electromagnet” and the other side with “Properties of a Permanent Magnet.” Have students compare how
electromagnets are similar to a permanent magnet.

(ESR): Both types of magnets
are attracted to some metals. Have students describe how electromagnets are
different from permanent magnets. (ESR): An electromagnet is a temporary

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